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This era is just where I started animating Mighty Boy. I made lots of little animations for Mighty Boy, and then I eventually made an actual series for him.
Name : Mighty Boy Alpha
Made : 2012
Genre : Adventure, Comedy
Rated : Everyone
I only showed this to a few people and alot of people don't remember it nowadays, I was starting not to like the Alpha series, so I decided to reboot it, but I also really wanted to make it so more people can see it, so then I thought about releasing it on Youtube, my mom let me use her email and I was able to release "Mighty Boy Beta"
Name : Mighty Boy Beta
Released : 2013
Cancelled : 2013, but it was also deleted
Genre : Adventure, Comedy
Rated : Everyone
Alot of people in my class really liked the show, having a youtube channel was a big deal in my class at the time, because I was the first person to get one, and I released some good videos, I was pretty popular in my class for it. But the beta series didn't last long (about a couple months), and I saw some problems with it and I decided to reboot it again and for the final time. So I released the Mighty Boy you all know and love today and started another new era.
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